Norfolk SEO For Hire

Agency results without the hefty price tag. An SEO consultant can offer you dedicated time and focused work to match your digital marketing investment.

Afordable Pricing

Your Local Connection

SEO through the mind of a consultant starts off with a website audit.
There may be a few problems that need fixing. From there it’s strategy, content and campaigns.
I want to see a good ROI. If you need a new website I can offer you a wide range of solutions.


Fix Errors

A site audit allows a complete diagnostics of your current web presence.


Let’s build a strategy around your customer base and drive online authority for your brand.


Building content around your services or products using current SEO standards.


We can build you an email campaign look at PPC or work on a PR strategy for your brands voice.

SEO Consultancy FAQs

New and long-standing business owners have many questions
about consultant SEO in Norfolk. Let’s answer a few today.

What's The Average SEO Consultant Rate In The UK?

The average SEO consultant rate in the UK can vary depending on several factors, such as the consultant’s experience, expertise, and location, as well as the complexity of the project and the duration of the engagement.

However, based on data from various online platforms and job websites, the average hourly rate for an SEO consultant in the UK can range from £40 to £100 per hour. Some may charge a fixed fee for a specific project or a monthly retainer fee for ongoing SEO services.

It’s worth noting that rates can also vary depending on the industry and niche of the client, as some industries may require more specialised knowledge and skills, which can command higher rates.

Ultimately, it’s important to do your research and assess various factors when hiring an SEO consultant, rather than solely focusing on the hourly rate. You may want to consider their track record, portfolio, and client reviews to ensure that they can deliver the results you need within your budget.

Yes, you can hire someone to do your SEO. In fact, many businesses and website owners opt to hire SEO professionals to help them improve their search engine rankings and drive more organic traffic to their website.

There are several options available for hiring someone to do your SEO. You can:

Hire an in-house SEO specialist or team: This is a good option if you have the budget and resources to build a dedicated team to handle your SEO needs. An in-house SEO team can work closely with your marketing and web development teams to ensure that your website is optimised for search engines.

Work with an SEO agency: SEO agencies typically have a team of SEO professionals with a wide range of skills and experience. They can help you develop and implement a comprehensive SEO strategy that aligns with your business goals.

Hire a consultant SEO specialist: SEO consultant specialists can be a cost-effective option for small businesses or individuals who need help with specific SEO tasks, such as keyword research, on-page optimisation, or link building.

When hiring someone to do your SEO, it’s important to do your research and choose someone who has a proven track record of success and can deliver results within your budget and timeframe. You may want to ask for references, review their portfolio, and discuss their approach and methodology to ensure that they can meet your specific SEO needs.

SEO consultants (Search Engine Optimisation) refers to offering SEO services on a consultant or contract basis rather than being employed by a company or agency. A SEO consultant specialist typically works independently, providing SEO services to clients on a project or ongoing basis.

SEO consultant specialists have expertise in improving the visibility of websites on search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. They use various SEO techniques to optimise websites for search engines, such as keyword research, on-page optimisation, technical SEO, link building, and content creation.

As a SEO specialists, they have the flexibility to work with a wide range of clients, from small businesses to large enterprises, across various industries. SEO specialists often work remotely, which allows them to work with clients from anywhere in the world.

One of the main advantages of hiring a SEO consultant specialist is the ability to work with a highly skilled professional who can provide customised services that align with your business goals and budget. SEO specialists can offer personalised attention to their clients. They are often more affordable than hiring a full-time in-house SEO specialist or working with an SEO agency.

A local SEO consultant is a specialist who helps local businesses improve their visibility in local search results. Local SEO optimises a website to appear in local search results, such as Google’s Local Pack, which shows local businesses related to a search query.

Local SEO requires a different approach than traditional SEO because it focuses on local search intent and geographically-specific search queries. A local SEO understands the nuances of local search and can help local businesses improve their online presence by optimising their website for local search.

A local SEO may offer various services, such as local keyword research, on-page optimisation, local link building, Google My Business optimisation, and online review management. They may also help businesses create local content that resonates with their target audience and helps them stand out in local search results.

Hiring a local SEO consultant can benefit small and medium-sized businesses that want to attract more local customers and compete with larger businesses. Local SEO’s are often more affordable than hiring an SEO agency or in-house specialist, and they can offer personalised attention to their clients.

Yes, consultants are typically considered self-employed. Consultants are individuals who provide services to clients on a project basis or ongoing basis without being employed by a company or agency. As self-employed individuals, consultants manage their businesses, including finding clients, setting their rates, and handling their taxes and expenses.

Consultants are not classified as employees of the companies or individuals they work for, and they do not receive employee benefits, such as health insurance or paid time off. Instead, they are responsible for providing their benefits and managing their finances.

While consultants may work independently, they can also collaborate with other freelancers or businesses to form a virtual team. Consultants can work from anywhere with an internet connection, making it a flexible and convenient option for individuals who want to work on their terms.

Consutlants need to understand their legal obligations as self-employed individuals, such as registering their business, obtaining necessary licenses or permits, and paying taxes on their income. Consultants may want to consult with a tax professional or accountant to ensure that they are meeting all of their legal obligations and maximising their financial potential.

There are several reasons why a company may want to use a consultant:


Consultants can provide businesses with the flexibility to hire talent on a project or ongoing basis without the long-term commitment of hiring a full-time employee. This allows businesses to scale their workforce up or down as needed and adjust to changing business needs.


Consultants are often more affordable than hiring full-time employees because they do not require employee benefits, such as health insurance, retirement, or paid time off. This can help businesses save money on labour costs while still getting the talent they need to complete projects.

Specialised Expertise

Consultants often have expertise in a specific area, such as SEO, graphic design, or copywriting. This allows businesses to hire talent with the specific skills and knowledge needed to complete a project or fill a specific role.

Faster Turnaround Times

Consultants can often complete projects faster than full-time employees because they have more flexible schedules and can focus exclusively on the project. This can help businesses meet tight deadlines and complete projects more efficiently.

Increased Productivity

Consultants can help businesses increase their overall productivity by taking on tasks outside the scope of their full-time employees’ expertise or workload. This allows full-time employees to focus on their core responsibilities and can help businesses achieve their goals more effectively.

Overall, using an SEO Consultant can provide businesses with the flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and specialised expertise they need to achieve their goals and compete in today’s fast-paced business environment.

Yes, an SEO Consultant can offer affordable packages to clients. Consultants can set their rates and create customised packages that align with their clients’ budgets and goals.

SEO consultants specialists can offer a range of packages, from basic SEO audits to more comprehensive packages that include keyword research, on-page optimisation, link building, content creation, and ongoing reporting and analysis. These packages can be tailored to the needs and budget of each client.

By offering affordable packages, SEO consultants can help small and medium-sized businesses that may not have the budget to hire a full-time in-house SEO specialist or work with a larger SEO agency. Consultants can offer personalised attention to their clients and work closely with them to develop effective SEO strategies that help them achieve their business goals.

When considering an SEO package, it’s important to evaluate the value they offer for the price. An SEO package should align with your business goals and provide clear deliverables and metrics to measure success. You may want to compare several packages and rates before deciding to ensure that you are getting the best value for your budget.